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Principal component analysis in a sentence

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Sentence count:31Posted:2024-05-30Updated:2024-05-30
Similar words: principal componentcomponent analysisfinancial statement analysiscontent analysisstatement analysistransient analysisinvestment analysisrequirement analysis
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1. Traditional multivariable analysis method mainly includes Principal component analysis method , Factor analysis method that we usually talk of .
2. In this paper, by using the principal component analysis and optimal sorting method, we get a solution for the assessment of educational practise and then give the calculation of a example.
3. Principal component analysis is widely applied to the multivariate calibration.
4. We use the One Way ANOVA, Principal component analysis and Multiple Regression as study model.
5. Cluster analysis as well as principal component analysis were performed for 12 quantitative characters of 30 inbred lines of rape genotypes (Brassica juncea L. ) .
6. Using principal component analysis in chemometrics, a distribution feature of the nutritive elements was discussed.
7. Based on complex principal component analysis (PCA), a method for automatic alignment of damping factor in magnetic resonance spectroscopy is presented.
8. The normal and curvature of point cloud model are estimated with PCA (Principal Component Analysis). The adjustment of normal direction is achieved by using Minimum Spanning Tree.
9. Principal component analysis and cluster analysis are performed to refine the features of these sequences.
10. The mathematic principle of principal component analysis method ( PCA ) lies in coordinate conversion.
11. Principal Component Analysis ( PCA ) was introduced in this paper for incipient fault diagnosis waste solid incinerator ( WSI ).
12. Principal component analysis was carried out to study the slaughtering performance of cross combinations using Anas platyrhynchos as male parent.
13. Using the principal component analysis, an analytic model to measure the corrosivity of soil was established.
14. Principal Component Analysis ( PCA ) and non - parametric tests were performed to assess relationships.
15. Methods Chemical pattern recognition was performed on the fruits of Ligustrum lucidum collected from various areas of China by PCA (principal component analysis) method.
16. Sample principal component analysis and factor analysis has been one of the main methods of composite analysis, the communalities of variables is a key step of using these methods.
17. Then analysis several main factors use of principal component analysis algorithm, rejecting the factor with minimum weight.
18. Principal component analysis ( PCA ) was applied to remove cardiac field artifact ( CFA ) from the HEP.
19. Through analyzing Principal Component Analysis(PCA) and Gene Expression Programming(GEP), a novel GEP Algorithm based on PCA is proposed and applied to predict the amount of gas emitted from coalface.
20. A method based on multiway kernel principal component analysis(MKPCA) was proposed to capture the nonlinear characteristics of normal batch processes.
21. Likelihood ratio test, rank correlation analysis and principal component analysis were used to investigate the optimal model of function and the index system.
22. The weighting coefficient may be determined by the simple method or principal component analysis (PCA) transform, and the weight is automatically executive in the process of image fusion.
23. Firstly, I has found the key factors affecting corporate performance and calculated the integrated performance rating with principal component analysis.sentencedict .com
24. A long-range forecast model of temperature or precipitation based on the principal component analysis to the period extrapolation matrix is presented.
25. Then, this paper measures the current level of agricultural integration in Jiangxi province with the method of principal component analysis.
26. The main pattern and causes of the alteration in blood biochemistry indices in coccidia infected broilers were studied with principal component analysis.
27. We calculated metagenes as a surrogate for all genes contained within a particular cluster and visualized the relative expression in relation to time to metastasis with principal component analysis.
28. To improve the running efficiency of the algorithm, the stochastic mapping of the patterns was modified based on principal component analysis.
29. A new image feature extraction method based on changing image matrices and image principal component analysis(CIMPCA) is proposed in this paper.
30. Methods: Investigating of 32 HIS hospitals, analyzed the problems with Ratio Analysis and Principal Component Analysis.
More similar words: principal componentcomponent analysisfinancial statement analysiscontent analysisstatement analysistransient analysisinvestment analysisrequirement analysiscomposite analysisfundamental componentfundamental analysisradial componentcost analysisheat analysisvertical componentintegral componentprice analysiscryptanalysismarket analysisprincipalproject analysisstandard analysisproduct analysisfinancial analysisprincipallyconflict analysisin the last analysissyntactic analysiscomparative analysisprincipality
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